Getting your legal facts right might prove to be the most important thing in tilting the balance in your favour. Remote gaming continues to develop in a hostile environment. The continued efforts of gaming monopolies in many countries and myriad laws and regulations means that your legal strategy is key to your risk management and ultimate success.
Cybergaming Consultants’ experience in this field is unparalleled. We can advise you on the legal aspects relating to regulatory issues, risks, and your standing at law. We build a one-to-one relationship with all our clients, thereby ensuring that we understand their concerns and that they will get an in-depth appreciation of the matters at stake.
Our legal opinions will not only address all your queries, but will also help you to adopt a holistic approach when studying your possibilities and making your choices. In addressing your issues and focusing on your specific requirements, we always start by a thorough analysis of the current situation. If you are looking for sound legal consultancy look no further than Cybergaming Consultants.

The remote gaming industry is highly volatile and the continuous changing of parameters is likely to effect your exposure to risk. At Cybergaming Consultants we have developed highly efficient processes to analyse your exposure to risk and to determine how to best handle such exposure.
If you are interested in knowing more about the forensics of risk management then please feel free to contact Cybergaming Consultants where we can minimise your risks to give you the maximum benefits.
Remote gaming operations are becoming ever more eclectic. Developments have heralded a new era of unprecedented cooperation between igaming jurisdictions. At Cybergaming Consultants we know that weighing anchor in a particular jurisdiction is a daunting decision that requires careful planning. A lot of checks will go into that planning exercise.
As an operator you are bound to ask about the regulatory conditions, banking facilities, co-location services, availability, cost and efficiency of bandwidth, office space, anciliary services, the local workforce and a lot more. If you need to sound the ground and have a reliable report and intelligence on any gaming jurisdiction look no further. Cybergaming Consultants will provide you with an exhaustive opinion on which to base your decision. And we will not stop there – when you have made your choice we will use our extensive network to give you introductions and help you set up. At Cybergaming Consultants we make life easier for you, by getting you the facts and do the ground work, so as to allow you to focus on what matters most to you – your core operation.

Identifying the right markets for your remote gaming operation is at least half the formula of success. Different markets have different profiles and diverse challenges.
However, identifying your target markets is one of those things that you have to get right from the outset. The losses incurred by a mistake on that count are likely to dampen your spirits and leave a gaping hole in your company finances.
So do the right thing and let Cybergaming Consultants do the target practice for you. You do not need to experiment because our professional advice will ensure that your first try will converge fully on the right target.
‘Eyes on the ball’ is not a catch-phrase – it is the guiding philosophy of all successful operators in the gaming industry. Do you want to get all the latest developments in real time and relate that to where your operation is going? How about having all the latest developments put in perspective and analysed in detail for you. Cybergaming Consultants is committed to ensure that you are among the first to know what is happening
Whether you are applying for a licence in any gaming jurisdiction or involved in a merger or acquisition, all parties would need to know that representations made by the other parties are correct.
Through our wide network of professional and business contacts, can scratch the surface of things a little more in depth than most companies that collate official information. Reputation in the industry and track records are bound to contain more than a grain of truth.
In most cases, gaming operations require multiple gaming licences and authorisations in different jurisdictions. Different jurisdictions have different requirements sometimes even within common legal frameworks, such as European Union directives and regulations. At Cybergaming Consultants we can advise you and assist with drafting of business plans, policies and procedures that are required by the relevant regulators.
Accepting wagers from players efficiently and processing payments to players fast is the backbone of any remote gaming operation. Some payment gateways and financial institutions, while offering a high level of service, might not be suited to your needs. Some financial institutions might be a nightmare when the going gets tough. Cybergaming Consultants can help. We continuously monitor the track record of payment gateways and financial institutions and their level of service and commitment to the gaming industry. We will only refer you to the ones whose processing fees are realistic, their level of service top notch, and their level of commitment unfaltering. Let us recommend to you strategic partners who can help you weather the storm when you need it.
The road is long and weary for the uninitiated. Whichever the jurisdiction of your choice to apply for a gaming licence, you can bet that Cybergaming Consultants has been there before and has the right professional and business contacts in place. Our consultants will give you the best advice possible; help you throughout the whole process, handle all the paperwork and ensure that everything is in order. When thinking of weighing anchor your first port of call should be Cybergaming Consultants.
There are over 70 jurisdictions w here you can legally locate a server to handle gaming transactions. Sometimes you will need a particular corporate structure to implement your plan. The right location for you is subject not only to your requirements, but also to your special circumstances such as country of residence and domicile, double tax treaties, corporate and income taxes, gaming law, provision of services and quality of means of distance communication in host country. Cybergaming Consultants puts all the constants and variables into the equation to come up with a tailor-made solution.
Effective liaison with taxation, financial and gaming authorities will save you time and money. Authorities generally tend to be helpful, however getting to know their rules and procedures might be frustrating. Cybergaming Consultants is your single point of contact between you and the relevant Authorities.
Your operation is bound to require some kind of office space. Of course, it depends a lot on the operation’s presence on physical territory.
At Cybergaming Consultants we keep a database of office space that caters for different needs and for operations with different budgets. Just let us know what you require and we will help you choose, assist you with conveyance procedures and whenever possible save extra fees.
A brand is synonymous to a successful business that commands the loyalty of players We appreciate that creating a brand is expensive and time-consuming. Moreover there is a lot more that goes under that brand – domains, trademarks and patents just to mention a few. If you have issues with anything to do with intellectual property look no further. Right from the first call to Cybergaming Consultants’ offices you will know that you will get only the highest standard of service. Your intellectual property matters to you. At Cybergaming Consultants your issue is our issue.
At Cybergaming Consultants we know the work that goes into running a back office. Transferring, entering and processing data and preparing reports is time consuming and requires huge amounts of working capital Yet, it is all a fundamental part of the operation. Meeting deadlines and functioning with clockwork precision is paramount. If you are not sure that you really want to handle all that and are thinking of outsourcing back office functions, why not contact us. Cybergaming Consultants w ill ensure that your data is processed securely and that results are delivered on time.
Are you looking for a strategic partner such as a software vendor, a poker network, an affiliate or intermediary? Cybergaming Consultants has an extensive network of business contacts that is continuously revisited and upgraded. Our clients benefit from that network and find it much easier to find partners that can meet their requirements. If you want a service provider that gives you added value contact Cybergaming Consultants. Our staff will be pleased to assist you.
Mergers in the gaming industry are becoming increasingly popular in a trend that values highly the synergy of resources. However, sharing common goals and the ability to work together are key to successful mergers and joint ventures. Acquisitions are also interesting propositions for many reasons, especially for operators who are looking at markets that traditionally did not form port of their core business. In any event prospective partners and potential buyers and sellers would rather avoid publicity and the ensuing speculation. A skilled and discreet broker is very frequently called upon. Cybergaming Consultants has been entrusted to act as a broker in very sensitive find outs and negotiations. Do not just take our word for it – let the results we achieve speak for us.
A lot of your lime, energy and resources went into getting a gaming licence. However, the world over a gaming licence is a privilege and not a right. Noncompliance with regulatory requirements may lead to the suspension or cancellation of the licence. Cybergaming Consultants is the ideal guardian of the licence. Our Staff have vast experience in compliance matters and are versatile in understanding compliance requirements of different jurisdictions.
If you want peace of mind set up a meeting with Cybergaming Consultants. We will ensure that your licence will never become a liability, but will continue to add value to your asset.

Remote gaming is a versatile industry. Ongoing technological developments act as its primary catalyst for change. Every day we are seeing new models developing and what used to be categorised as ‘ancillary services’ such as skins, affiliates and intermediaries, have become top players in their own right.
Whether it is virtual casinos, lotteries, bingo, sports books, horse racing, poker; betting exchange, mobile gaming, skill games, skins, affiliates and other intermediaries, Cybergaming Consultants is there to assist you.
Moreover should you wish to acquire a software licence, our consultants will work out with you on optimal solution and through our contacts put you together with a software vendor that best suits your requirements. You will find out that our services will take you along all the way – from defining your needs, to negotiating on your behalf and assisting you in completing all legal formalities. Do not take chances with your gaming model. With Cybergaming Consultants you w ill set out on a sure footing.
When it comes to meetings and days long negotiations that matter you want everything to be perfect, however you might be reluctant to make a huge capital outlay to have your own offices in the hosting jurisdiction.
If your hosting jurisdiction happens to be Malta, Cybergaming Consultants is pleased to provide you with boardroom facilities. We take care of everything down to the smallest detail and provide you with everything you might require whether it’s delivering a presentation or simply meeting in a comfortable business environment that is conducive to a successful deal.
Why not get in touch with us to learn more about how you can avail yourself of this service?

Cybergaming Consultants is continuously carrying out in-house research and collecting statistics that are vital to a remote gaming operation. We commit a lot of time to put together the small details that are too laborious for most operators to collect.
Cybergaming Consultants provides research facilities not only to operators, but also to regulators. While our existing research and statistics are up to scratch, Cybergaming Consultants is always willing to work to your specifications.
So if you need some specific research carried out let us know and we will deliver it to you not only in a way that looks good at a glance, but also with a level of detail that makes all the difference.
Figures speak volumes in the remote gaming industry. However a successful deal goes way beyond the language of figures. Conveying your message, being politically correct and being persuasive require the work of a highly-skilled hand.
Cybergaming Consultants can ensure that you give the right impression without compromising on your ultimate goal. If it has come to the point where you need to persuade third parties find out how we can help you achieve results.

Cybergaming Consultants
Villa Seminia
Sir Temi Zammit Avenue, Ta’ Xbiex. Malta
T: +356 2131 9493 info@cybergamingconsultants.com cybergamingconsultants.com